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ABM for Cerebral Palsy - Trip 2

I am beyond excited as I write this post tonight. I am also very exhausted from our trip, so please forgive any spelling errors! We just returned from our weekend trip for Landon's Anat Baniel Method (ABM) lessons. This waawas  2nd time of traveling for these, and it was an amazing trip! Amazing in the sense of Landon's progress - we had some other hiccups that occurred this weekend, but we survived! Our first visit was a month ago. Landon wasn't fully interested in toys, but highly into cell phones. We had to interest him with those a great deal of the time and that was frustrating. He also was a lot fussier. This time, he was a completely different kid. Even Samm (our ABM lady) commented on it. He was very into toys and much happier. He seemed to cooperate more as well. At one point, she had him sitting on a little stool and he was reaching down into a basket and picking out toys, neither of which he'd done previously - it was great! He was still fairly cran
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Having a Child with Cerebral Palsy

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